We’re Here to Help

Who We Are

McKenzie Living is two separate campuses that specialize in managing individuals diagnosed with disorders including mental health, traumatic brain injury, chronic brain disease, challenging dementia behavior, all-male challenging behavior, co-ed challenging behavior as well as others who require the dedicated support of a facility that specializes in helping these individual who don’t fit within traditional community based care settings.  


Unique Specialty Care

Our Purpose

The purpose of McKenzie Living is to provide a safe and secure environment for individuals with a variety of diagnoses who can reside together only under professional specialty care.  Many of our residents couldn’t find adequate placement prior to the existence of McKenzie Living.

Our History

Proud Past & Solid Future

In 2005 Gateway Living converted one of our existing senior care houses into a mental health house. We enjoyed serving this new population and within a few years, we expanded to a second and third mental health unit at Gateway Living. The need for this type of care grew, and as a result, the state of Oregon requested additional capacity. McKenzie Living created and developed specialized campuses and homes to meet this demand.

Today there are 7 houses on two campuses serving nearly 80 residents.


Specialized Care

Our Team

Our staff is dedicated and specially trained to provide 24-hour a day care to our residents living with various disorders ranging from mental health to traumatic brain injury and other disorders.

High caregiver to resident ratios allow our staff to spend quality time with individual residents and not feel rushed to move on to the next task or assignment.